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Troubleshooting Tips

  • Use a continuity test to confirm that your switch is labeled correctly.


  • If your LEDs are still receiving power while the switch is off check to make sure the ADTL082 chip and or the battery are flipped to the right positions.​


  • If for some reason your guitar has a different output level than 100-300 mV, simply adjust your potentiometer. Reducing its resistance will increase your gain, while increasing it will reduce your gain. To monitor this, you can use a modeling software such as pspice or Multisim to see the gain of the circuit. Or you can build the circuit, send it an input signal with a waveform generator, and then measure your output using an oscilloscope. The picture below is our model in Multisim and the transient analysis of it with a 340 Hz, 300 mV sine wave input.


  • When you construct the amplifier circuit on its own PCB use the continuity test on all connections to check for discontinuities and fix them accordingly.


  • Finally to see how to test your final design to make sure it is working properly see the video below.


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